How real lawn compares with synthetic lawns?
You might find the corporate landscapes dotted with well manicured lawns in their premises. If you take a closer look, you would probably find that it is an artificial turf created by landscape designers. This is a recent trend that many landscape artists opt for. Most offer this solution to their clients who want to create a bit of green look among paved and concrete spaces. It is a hassle free and low maintenance solution that suits many corporate and even home spaces.
Real versus synthetic lawn
A real green lawn might look great, but it does require careful weeding from time to time as well as watering and infestation control methods. The growing lawn grass of the right kind and length is something that only experienced gardeners can execute. On the other hand, artificial grass installation is a onetime affair. All it needs is the right base and synthetic grass blades that are strongly built into it. The artificial grass blades are made from synthetic, non allergenic materials. These do not absorb moisture or retain dirt or dust easily. At the same time, the synthetic grass blades resemble real grass very closely. The look is very close and the feel is soft under the bare feet, akin to real grass. One would not have to fear insects and pest infestation in case of synthetic turf unlike real grass.
Ease of setup
Another reason that synthetic lawns are becoming more favored is the ease of getting such setup done. As compared to yesteryears when it was a solution difficult to come across and expensive, nowadays many landscaping companies offer such solutions at affordable rates. What’s more, you can easily get in touch with turf suppliers that offer synthetic lawns and similar setup. These come at affordable rates for purchase as well as for rent. Hence, even if you wish to create a lawn like atmosphere for a day, it is possible to convert a concrete landscape into a green space even for a day.
With the above points you can definitely consider a synthetic grass or turf installation, whether it is for a day or for long, for an open or an indoor paved area. It could be ideal to convert a paved patio area, to create a play area for kids, for landscaping corporate open spaces and for other purposes. Once a quote is received, a vendor can provide necessary setup and installation within a few days. It is possible to start off with online queries through local business directories.